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_about me

_prototyping the new internet
My excellent friend zool dragged me into various Semantic Web related projects, for which I do my modest graphical part, trying to keep up with the scattershot genius of open-source brainiacs.

It dovetailed very nicely with some similar work I did for InTouch who wanted to use Lotus Notes to build a distributed Internet community. I reached the conclusion that it couldn't be done in that manner, and that groupware should be developed as simply and as openly as possible.

Here's how it works.

We describe our relationships in RDF triples. It's called Friend of a Friend, or FOAF for short. To navigate the community, we built a SVG map of harvested FOAF data and called it foafnaut.

I'd like to see foafnaut transformed into a truely startling piece of Fantasy Internet Groupware. To this end, I wrote a foafnaut manifesto to try to explain what were the important design issues we need to address in the coming year, as well as a ramble to try to explain why I think this should work the way it does.

Is that clear? Good, then.

Art college? Who'da thunk it?

Well, now I'm going to do it. This September, (money permitting) I'm off to study Digital Media Design at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht on the European Media Master of Arts program. More soon!
